McMullin has partnered with local florist September Studio to create a bespoke, handblown vase designed with artistry and modern spaces in mind. Crafted to complement September Studio’s signature floral arrangements, this collaboration merges sculptural design with natural beauty, elevating interiors through a timeless and artful experience.
Tell us a little about yourself—who you are and what you do.
Hi, I am Bryce Heyworth, co-owner and creative director here at September Studios in Darlinghurst. I guess I'm a florist now, well not really, not formally. I tend to say I use flowers as the medium for my expression as a creative. Which is just a long winded way of saying no I didn't study floristry. But yet I work with flowers everyday in my studio to create pieces for people, places all across the world.
What first sparked your love for floristry? Was there a specific moment that set you on this path?
For me, creativity in whatever capacity has always been a focus. I was, well, a ceramicist too, Not that I spent too much time on the wheel these days. When we opened the florist in 2021 I guess this was the catalyst for both my interest in the world of nature and design with flowers.
"I think that flowers and interiors work hand in hand, both used to elevate the environment in which one seeks to spend time."
How does your work as a florist influence your approach to design and interiors?
I think that flowers and interiors work hand in hand, both used to elevate the environment in which one seeks to spend time. It’s funny though, my approach to design tends to be much more minimal then when designing with flowers. I guess I see flowers as a temporary splash of confidence into a space where I would usually play it safer.
What are you currently inspired by, whether it's a place, a person, or a creative movement?
I tend to find inspiration in other creative fields, not so much floristry. Anyone that is taking their craft seriously and looking to push conformed boundaries of their practice I find inspiring. This for me is a creative spirit I guess and confidence to express.
What inspired the design of the vase you created with McMullin?
The Perfection in imperfection. Something draws me to things that feel a little fucked up. Using amazing glass textures but with a form of rawness that allows you to appreciate the craftsmanship.
How do you see the Sunday Vase complementing the flowers you work with, and how do you like to display flowers at home?
For me, displaying flowers at home is all about provoking both thought and conversation. I tend to use large sculptural pieces you don't see in a flower shop.
As a florist, what are your top three tips for keeping flowers fresher for longer?
Keep Your Water Clean, Your Stems Open and You can’t apply sunblock on a hydrangea. So keep them out of the fucking sun.
Florist: September Studio
Photographer: Michael Cumninus
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